Monthly Archives: September 2015

Gel Nail Course

Hi again everyone,

as promised I am back again today, even though I had no idea what to write about when I got up this morning, but than I thought I’d tell you about my decision of starting a Gel Nail Course ( I know guys you might think this is only for girls, which in some cases it is but let me tell you that there is guys out there that are trained Nail technicians).

I would not necessarily say that I am obsessed with Gel Nails but I do like well looked after Nails be it your own or the Gel Nail extensions. I also like the different shaped and styles that some Nail Technicians design on their clients, but the only down side to this is that I find them very expensive and so it dawned on me, why not do a Course on Gel Nail extensions myself. 

So I went online and googled Gel Nail extension courses online, why online you might ask, well I am not yet confident enough to use live models, and with the online college that I found in the end my course material included a Nail Trainer, which is basically a fake hand that you can attach to a table. Cool idea ,huh?  

At first this course has left me stunned at the price, but I just thought to myself if I don’t it now than I probably never will and it is something that I enjoy doing. And luckily I had the option to pay the fee in 4 monthly installments which made the whole thing a lot easier, not only are you getting the course material you also get Student Support which is very important and necessary. Some people say I am an absolute people’s person and sometimes I do agree I am but on other times when I am not in the best of forms than I just want to be on my own, guess we all have that from time to time. Anyway another reason as to why I decided to do this course was that at some stage when I am qualified enough I can become my own Boss, and honestly lads and lassies, who doesn’t want to become their own boss at some stage in life. Yes I have taken on yet another Course but sure life is all about learning and doing things that you truly enjoy. 

And with this course i can bring three things together as one, meeting new people and doing nails and becoming my own boss. 

When i first received my Course material I laughed at the Nail Trainer as it did look quite funny at first but than I just got on with it and started practicing, and do believe me all it takes is loads and loads of practice and always remember NOBODY is perfect and it never ever works out on the first try, that’s why it is very important to think long and hard before you decide to get yourself into education no matter if you do it online or if you go back to College. It is also very important to always go with something you well and truly enjoy than at the end of the day you want be happy with the decisions you have made and be happy in what you do. 

My course is with Essential Nails Institute and i must say I do enjoy working on my Nail Trainer it has boosted my confidence in being able to do nails on live models like my brother’s girlfriend. Who’s nails I had done for their anniversary and by my surprise they had lasted her almost 4 weeks, and boy was i proud of myself. And such a laugh we had that night.

So girls and guys please always remember to do something that you enjoy and not something that makes you miserable and frustrated, life is to short for it and also remember you are NEVER to old to learn, do whatever makes you happy, also make sure you always always stay positive than only positive thoughts will bring positive results. 

Take some time and think are you happy in what you do or is there something you feel you need to change, if there is than look into what it is you think needs changing and go for it as long as it makes you happy. 🙂 

I had people telling me to go for it as I wasn’t sure and let me tell you it was the best decision I have made, was to listen to the people I love such as my mum, my best friend and of course the amazing people I am working with in my Internship.

I love you and thank you for the kick in the bum i needed to go for this course. And thank you for always being there when i need you. I am lucky to have you in my life even when I’m not easy at times. 

essential nails

Essential Nails Institute

essential nails kit

Course Material

nail trainer

Nail Trainer or as i love to call it my Fake Hand


Nails I have done on myself ❤

I’m baaaaaack, tell me did you miss me xD

Hey guys,

I know it’s been months since my last post and I am delighted to say I am baaaaack, well did you miss me? lol . I have soooooooooooooo much to tell you.

First of all I have made a big change in my appearance lol which I consider a major change as I went from black hair to a brighter color, and let me tell you I absolutely love it, thanks to my best friend Tanya, who knows exactly how I want my hair. And the best thing is I don’t even need to tell her 🙂 She is an absolute star and I do consider myself lucky to have met her and call her my best friend.

 I have decided to make some changes to my blog. I will now include things like my Gel Nail course, make up and weight loss. I will also start to include Aloe Vera into my life and  keep you posted on my progress. 

I know this entry is very small but let me reassure you that I will be back tomorrow with a bigger post it is already late enough and I don’t plague you with my posts on your Saturday night. LoL 

One thing I need to mention in this is that since I have started my Internship with a bunch of absolutely amazing people, I have changed, I have become more positive and happy with myself will not yet mention these amazing people as I have not yet the ok to do so but when I do, I will give them the recognition they deserve, as they have not just become work colleagues, mentors or bosses to me, no they have become friends and I can’t wait to tell you about them.

With this I will love you all and leave you for tonight. Please feel free to tell me what you all have been up too while I was gone I am being very curious to hear about your changes you have made or that you are about to make.

Whatever you do tonight be it a night out on the town or a night in with friends and wine or just by yourself with a good movie by the fire, enjoy yourself you deserve it. xD ❤ ❤ ❤